The concessionaire which will be responsible for administering the Viracopos International Airport for the next 30 years, Brazil Airports, try to negotiate with the state and federal government an extension of the rail extension to the airport to be one of the stops of the two largest projects in the industry: the High Speed Train (HST) and the express train Paulista.
This one of the points of the project which will transform the airport of Viracopos largest airport in the country, under the concept of airport city (with shopping, hotels and convention center). The first phase of the work should be completed by the World Cup of 2014, and will increase the total capacity of 7.5 million passengers annually to 14 million. It is estimated that by the end of the works is the airport’s capacity to 80 million passengers per year.
The National Transportation Agency (ANTT), responsible for the high speed train in the station says Viracopos part of the project. The Metropolitan Transportation Secretariat said that the state government is negotiating with the federal government to share the track with the project TAV and the regional train linking São Paulo to Campinas. However, the location of the stations is not yet defined.
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